head end

head end
1) (см. тж. headend, head-end) - головной оконечный узел сети
принимает передаваемые данные от всех станций сети и направляет их станциям-адресатам
2) распределитель; адаптер
3) головная (центральная) станция (компании кабельного ТВ или кабельной ЛВС)
принимает видеосигналы со спутников или от других источников, обычно преобразует их в нужный формат, комбинирует с сигналами локальных станций и пересылает на кабельный участок HFC
см. тж. CATV

Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. . 1998-2007.

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Смотреть что такое "head end" в других словарях:

  • Head end — may refer to: # A central control device required by some networks (e.g., LANs or MANs) to provide such centralized functions as remodulation, retiming, message accountability, contention control, diagnostic control, and access to a gateway. # A… …   Wikipedia

  • Head-end — Dieser Artikel wurde auf der Qualitätssicherungsseite des Portals Kernenergie eingetragen. Wenn Du Dich mit dem Thema auskennst oder Interesse daran hast, an diesem Artikel zu arbeiten, bist Du herzlich eingeladen, Dich an der Diskussion und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • head end —    1. TV and FM radio receiver which receives broadcast signals, amplifies them and sends them out on a CATV distribution cable. 2.    The point in a LAN where the inbound signals are transferred into outbound signals. The head end may be passive …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Head end power — (HEP) or Electric train supply (ETS) in the United Kingdom is a rail transport term for the electrical power distribution system on a passenger train. The power source, usually a locomotive at the front or “ head ” of a train or a generator car,… …   Wikipedia

  • head-end revenue — noun : revenue from railroad traffic (as mail, express, milk) carried at the head end …   Useful english dictionary

  • head end — noun 1. : the first few inches of fabric that are woven in a loom after new warp is started and that are often used for notations (as various marks of identification) 2. : the cars of a passenger train that are immediately behind the locomotive… …   Useful english dictionary

  • head-end — …   Useful english dictionary

  • head-end system — noun : an arrangement whereby electricity for a complete railroad train is furnished by a single generating plant located on the locomotive or tender or on a separate car …   Useful english dictionary

  • Head New Media — was an influential [ [http://www.ippa.org/s1/index.html Annual Listing of Top Design Shops ] from IPPA] web design and interactive television agency set up in the UK in 1997. In 1998 it became [ [… …   Wikipedia

  • end — end·amebiasis; end·amoeba; end·amoe·bi·dae; end·aortic; end·arterial; end·arteritis; end·ar·te·ri·um; end·er·gon·ic; end·ing; end·less; end·less·ness; end·lich·ite; end·most; end·oral; end·osmometer; end·osmosis; end·osteal; end·osteitis;… …   English syllables

  • head — arrow·head; beach·head; be·head; be·head·al; bir·ken·head; block·head·ism; blunt·head; bog·head; bonnet·head; bra·den·head; bulk·head·ed; bull·head·ed·ly; bull·head·ed·ness; chow·der·head; chuck·le·head·ed; cop·per·head·ism; dou·ble·head·er;… …   English syllables

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